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What do today’s video management tools and vacuums have in common?

No, this is not a trick question. There are two types of vacuums being sold today those that you have to push around the house for 30 minutes a day and those that you program to find the dirt for you when you are not at home allowing you to quickly and efficiently inspect the results in a minute. I recently purchased a robot vacuum called “Roomba” from Bed Bath and Beyond – a NAVCO customer – and after proper set up and programming, I am a believer. This is truly evolutionary for someone who has a large shedding dog where daily “manual” vacuuming was once a required chore. With advanced technology I reclaimed 180 hours of time a year. That’s over 22 days of vacuuming totally eliminated!

We are seeing this same advancement in technology with the enterprise grade electronic security systems that we are deploying for corporate America today. Old school systems are a collection of sensors, cameras, card readers and panels that just dump all their data onto some kind of storage device searchable at a later date. Today’s new enterprise solutions are designed to serve up to you video images of the key areas of your business that you want to inspect for operational compliance in just a few minutes! This same task used to cost users hours. These new technologies are allowing our customers to see and act on the important information needed to run their businesses and to become more efficient and competitive in their marketplaces, in minutes.

Today’s new software suites, when installed and programmed by people that fully understand the capabilities of the systems, can save corporate America the same kind of time I am saving from my new vacuuming robot at home. ROI’s are no longer created just on compliance requirements, safety, vendor management, inventory loss and fraud reductions. When doing your next ROI analysis, don’t forget to count the amount of time saved in using these new tools. Time is HUGE money.

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